3 resultados relacionados con "Ireland, Louise".
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Rigorous 3D change determination in Antarctic Peninsula glaciers from stereo WorldView-2 and archival aerial imagery

High resolution, Antarctic Peninsula, Surface matching, Glacial change, Archival photography, Stereo imagery, WorldView-2, Cryosphere, Photogrammetry

Año de publicación: 2018

Artículo de revista
Why is the South Orkney Island shelf (the world's first high seas marine protected area) a carbon immobilization hotspot?

BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION, eutrophication, Dewey: 551.5, LCSH: Biodiversity conservation, Climatic changes Environmental aspects, LCSH: Climatic changes Environmental aspects, LCSH: Eutrophication, LCSH: Troposphere Environmental aspects, Troposphere Environmental aspects

Año de publicación: 2016

Artículo de revista
Assessing the effectiveness of specially protected areas for conservation of Antarctica's botanical diversity

cambio climático, Climate change, Climate, Biological diversity, Conservation biology, Vegetation, Global temperature changes, Environmental protection, Analysis, Remote sensing, Plant conservation, Antarctic Specially Protected Area, Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic region, índice de vegetación de diferencia normalizada, normalized difference vegetation...

Año de publicación: 2016